About FOO
2024 Board of Directors
Friends of Oatland Island, Inc. is governed by a board of directors. This volunteer board meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:00pm. Additionally, each February, an annual membership meeting is held on the second Monday and is open to all current FOO Members.
Melanie Finnegan, President
Chuck Bridges, Treasurer
Courtney Roberts, Secretary
Doug Orr
Dianne Talcott
Kate Frost
Louise Moore
Cale Pruitt
Kira King
Coren Ross
Laura Simpson
Judi Figueroa
Nicholas Morganti
Kaitlyn Scheffler

FOO is always looking for interested, energetic volunteers!
If you're interested in working with the Friends of Oatland Board of Directors please send us an email with your reason for wanting to join our team, to info@friendsofoatland.org
FOO Board members oversee a variety of activities throughout the year including:
Hosting the annual fundraiser FOO Brews & Bites, A Wild Night Out at Oatland
Operating the Gift Shop, with all proceeds benefitting Oatland Island
Promoting the membership program & serving as ambassadors to the community
Friends of Oatland's Mission
To act as a physical and financial support organization for Oatland Island Wildlife Center in order to assist the Savannah-Chatham County Schools and Board of Education in preserving the ecosystem and education programs and maintaining the Visitor's Facility as a community asset.
Friends of Oatland Island, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) organization. It was established in 2001 to support Oatland Island Wildlife Center's staff and animal residents.
Board members are all volunteers who work hard on their own time to supplement financial and professional support of the Wildlife Center. It is often said that Friends of Oatland (FOO) is a "working board", fueled by our love of animals, the environment, our community, and specifically Oatland Island.

Contact Information
Website: www.friendsofoatland.org
Email: info@friendsofoatland.org
Facebook: friendsofoatland
Instagram: @friendsofoatland
Phone: (912) 395-1520
Corporate Sponsorships
Friends of Oatland Island has five levels of Corporate Sponsorship Levels.
With the help of our sponsors we can continue to delight the community and enhance the experience of Savannah visitors by growing our programs and exhibits. Together we can help children and adults make stronger connections to the natural world.
Facebook Review
My family loves Oatland Island!!!
I just signed up to help this amazing place by adding them to my Kroger Rewards as my preference for community rewards...so glad that this is an option to help this wonderful educational wildlife center.
• Laura S.
Great NonProfits Review
Friends of Oatland Island does a fabulous job fundraising and supporting Oatland Island Wildlife center. Going there is fun and educational - no matter what your age is. They have a few events during the year for the public and do a great job of spreading the word about Oatland. The staff is knowledgeable and helpful and the animals are so much fun to visit too!
• Sara S.

Engaging Fundraisers
Friends of Oatland not only accepts donations on Oatland Island Wildlife Center's behalf; we also like to hold community fundraisers.
In 2019, FOO launched a new annual holiday fundraiser, Days of Christmas Past. Held at the Heritage Homesites at Oatland Island, we discovered the foundations of holiday customs, saw how homes would have been decorated 100 years ago and visited with with a traditionally styled Santa Claus for visitors young and old to connect with.
Behind the Scenes
FOO's Board of Directors are often found on the grounds of Oatland Island Wildlife Center.
Whether they're making enrichment treats for the animal residents, helping to prepare for one of the center's many events, or working on grants to support the animals and grounds, you'll find them working away to help make your experience a unique one.

Photo and Video Requests
Friends of Oatland Island, Inc. ("FOO") and Oatland Island Wildlife Center ("OIWC") maintain an extensive library of photos and video that is available to members of the media for use with stories about the facility, grounds, and animal collection. These photos are available to the media at no charge. Commercial use of this media (including use in textbooks and published materials, documentaries, television, web, etc.) may be granted (provided the use aligns with FOO's and OIWC's mission statements) and may be subject to a fee.
To inquire about media for publication use please email info@friendsofoatland.org. Include your name, publication, the article's topic, and publication date.
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drone) Policy: For the safety and well-being of our guests and animals, the unauthorized launching and/or operation of a UAS (drone) from or above Oatland Island Wildlife Center property is strictly prohibited.