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Oatland Island Wildlife Center Welcomes Ossabaw Piglets

Dawn Brosnan, FOO Board Member

Oatland Island Wildlife Center is starting off the new year by welcoming two Ossabaw piglets to the Georgia Farm Barnyard enclosure. The two healthy piglets, Fernando and Romero, will be an important part of educating visitors on the Coastal Georgia's local history.

Part of Oatland Island's mission is is to provide their guests with memorable experiences to help them make stronger connections to the natural world. All of the animals that reside at the Wildlife Center are native species to the Southeast Region, none more so than the two newest additions.

Even though the origins of the Ossabaw pig can be traced back to the 1500s, when Spain was scouting the southeast of what would become the United States, Spanish explorers left a population of pigs on an island as a guaranteed food source for future trips to the area. The island's name is Ossabaw, one of the Sea Islands, and it lies about 20 miles south of Savannah.

Because of their isolation on Ossabaw Island, the Spanish pigs soon adapted to the to the the environment. After generations of feral life, Ossabaw pigs stayed smaller than traditional pigs and only grow to be around 200lbs each. Their unique long snouts, upright ears, and a heavy coat of bristles help them store their fat differently than traditional pigs. Additionally, Ossabaws are noted to be very intelligent to have a friendly temperament, making them the perfect additions to the Georgia Farm Barnyard family.

Please stop by to welcome Fernando and Romero to Oatland Island. If you'd like to bring an enrichment gift to the Welcome Center for the piglets, they love canned fruit, yogurt, oats and towels or gallon jugs to hide treats in. We hope to see you soon!

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