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A Creative Approach to Fundraising

Dawn Brosnan, FOO Board Member

It's that time of year when we all start thinking about ordering our personalized holiday cards and party invitations and announcements. This year, shop local at Creative Approach right here in Savannah on MLK Boulevard. They have the personalized touch you didn't even know you were missing!

Not only are they a local business, they also give back to the community. On Thursday, October 4th they announced their Creative Cares recipients of 2018 and Oatland Island was declared as the top voted non-profit organization by the public.

is anyone who orders print, marketing materials or has Creative Approach do design work for them gets the opportunity to have a portion of their sale go to the selected non profit for the month that they were designated. Being the top vote getter out of all of the non-profits that were selected, we have the entire month of October! So what this means is that for the whole month of OCTOBER anyone who uses the What this means for Friends of Oatland and for you#CreativeCares PROMO code when they place their order - 10% of the sale (pretax) goes to back to FOO's fundraising efforts for Oatland Island.

So whether you're in need of birthday cards, business materials, holiday announcements or anything in between, shop local all while giving back to the community. Click the photo below to head on over to Creative Approach's webpage to see all the possibilities!

We are so honored to be a part of Creative Cares and cannot thank everyone enough for your love and support of the staff and animals at Oatland Island!

Creative Approach

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