Happy New Year's From Friends of Oatland Island!
Still looking for your New Year’s resolution? The animals at Oatland Island are here to help find the perfect resolution for you!
If your resolution is...
Listening and Communication:

Look no further than Wolf Communication to help you on your journey to being a better listener! Wolves are incredible communicators! Their howls sound different from one another, they can hear each other miles away, and they can tell each member of their pack apart based on their howls. While we are at it, wolves are a family unit and the whole alpha and beta wolf thing is a MYTH! Wolf packs are made up of a mated pair and several generations of children, who eventually go off to find their own packs which means that being a “lone wolf” is a myth as well! They’re just wolves looking for a mate or a new family! So not only are they great communicators, but they make great families as well.
If your resolution is...
Getting back into exercise:

We get it, it’s that time of year! We all want to improve ourselves and be super strong and agile, so if you’re looking for inspiration, look to our Cougars Olympia and Raynier! Cougars are super fit! They can leap FORTY feet from a standstill. Beat that Jasmine Moore! (USA Olympic medalist in the long jump for those wondering). They can also jump up to 18 feet vertically. That’s like jumping up and over a school bus, the long way, from a standstill. So…y’all better get to work!
If your resolution is...
Eating Healthier:

Our tortoises have so much inspiration to offer you. Our tortoises eat tons of fruits, veggies, and yes, the occasional bug, but don’t let that deter you! With plenty of vitamins and minerals, our tortoises think that bugs are the snack of the future. We’re just saying. Tortoises not only have a healthy diet, but they get to nap a lot. So, they must be doing something right!
If your resolution is...
Spending More Time in Nature:

It’s time to get back to Oatland Island! With miles of woodsy trails, wildlife galore, a beautiful salt marsh, and gorgeous views, walking through the Oatland Island Wildlife Center is the perfect way to connect to nature again. Becoming a member allows you to visit for free whenever you want, and enjoy all of the beautiful greenery Oatland has to offer!
Become a member today and see your resolution through all year long! https://www.friendsofoatland.org/membership