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Annual Public Board Meeting 2023

Writer's picture: Friends of OatlandFriends of Oatland


It is time for the State of the FOO Address!
Monday, February 13, 2023 at 6:00pm

All current members of Friends of Oatland Island are invited to join us at Oatland Island Wildlife Center on Monday, February 13th to hear what FOO accomplished in 2022 and our upcoming vision for 2023. We will provide reports on the board’s accomplishments over the past year, the board’s capital project plans for the next year, and the financial condition of our association. We also will elect the 2023 Board of Directors at the meeting. As a working Board, we spend hours in between our monthly meeting volunteering on strategic projects both physical and fiscal. We are very much a team of animal and nature lovers that thrive on helping the Oatland Island Wildlife Center's animal residents and staff achieve goals and maintain a safe and healthy environment for all - including visitors. We appreciate ALL our members and look forward to seeing you soon! ********************

FOO is actively recruiting new members for its Board of Directors. Interested? Or have someone in mind that you think would be perfect? We invite you to fill out the nomination form below. Nominations are open through February 6th. Friends of Oatland Island, Inc. was established to support Oatland Island Wildlife Center's staff and animal residents. Board members are volunteers, working to supplement financial and professional support of the Wildlife Center and inspire stewardship of the natural environment. FOO's mission is to act as a physical and financial support organization for Oatland Island Wildlife Center in order to assist the Savannah-Chatham County Schools and Board of Education in preserving the ecosystem and education programs and maintaining the Visitor's Facility as a community asset. The Executive Committee is prioritizing

  • Board nominees who offer skills and expertise in the areas of fundraising and finance

  • Candidates that will support our goal of racial diversity, equity, and inclusion

  • Board candidates from all neighborhoods and districts served within SCCPSS

Board service overview

  • The Friends of Oatland Island, Inc. board meets monthly, on the 2nd Monday from 6:00-7:30 PM.

  • Each board member is asked to serve on a committee that meets at least every other month. Some committees meet monthly.

  • Each board member must be a current member of Friends of Oatland.

  • The board term is 1 year (March 2023 - February 2024)

Interested? Please fill out this form to tell us a bit about yourself!




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